Tutors: Are They Worth It?

Published on 14 August 2024 at 14:00

So much for singleton, right? 

1 Mana

These are probably what you think of when you think of tutors.  Instant speed and tutor to the top of the library.  Gamble obviously is an exception to this as it is a sorcery and it goes to your hand but in true red fashion, chaos follows.  These cards have existed for a really long time and have been commander staples probably since the inception of commander.  When I first started playing commander they were usually some of the first cards I "windmill slammed" into my deck list and for obvious reason, they are the second copy of whatever your best card is!  

2 Mana

Demonic Tutor is the absolute best tutor in the game.  There is no downside at all, the card you search for can be ANY card, it goes to hand not the top of the library, and you don't even have to adjust your dice to compensate for your loss of two life!  The downside for people like me is that you cannot buy a retro frame version of it that has black borders without buying a card from Alpha or Beta and spending a large sum of money.  Out of this list, the only one I ever play is Diabolic Intent and that is because it usually will have synergies with the deck outside of simply finding a card.  Merchant Scroll finds it's way into CEDH lists but I've seldom seen it otherwise.  If I played a lot of green, I would probably play Time of Need just because it is very niche, especially with the limitation of only searching for retro frame legends.  

Not Seen Often

This group of cards are not played as often because they are considered "bad" or have been cost prohibitive for a long time.  It's kind of neat seeing that you can still have a one mana tutor, but sorcery speed and tutoring to the top of your library instead of to hand makes a significant difference, especially when you have to reveal the card you tutored up.  With Profane Tutor, think about how much can happen in two turns around the table...  That can be 7 turns after you play the card!  For me, this card is not worth playing.  Diabolic Tutor is fine if you're on a budget and you insist on playing tutors.  

To answer the question "Are tutors worth it?", the obvious answer is yes.  Tutoring is one of the strongest things you can possibly do in a game of commander.  You effectively remove the singleton aspect of the format by having two copies of whatever card you would need an additional copy of.  If you are looking to power up your decks, add tutors.

Now, power level aside... a lot of people are becoming more and more against the usage of tutors in the commander format.  Will they be banned?  Absolutely not.  But they can take away from the randomness of games and that is one of the number one appeals to playing commander specifically vs other formats.  I am one who rarely plays tutors unless it is something extremely niche (Time of Need) where I am just trying to get a pet card.  I have been on both ends of tutoring up your wincon out of nowhere and playing it... It just feels, anti-climatic? When you are looking to power down your deck, one of the most obvious things to do is remove your tutors in exchange for a synergy piece.  I am not someone who is going to frown at someone using tutors because I think almost anyone who has ever played commander has done so, but I will say I've enjoyed my gaming experience significantly more since making the decision to remove them and to decrease my focus on winning and instead focus on enjoying the experience.  It's all about what you are looking for in a game of commander.

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