Off Color Counters

Published on 4 September 2024 at 14:00

Counterspells are and have always been synonymous with blue, but let's take a look at some of what the other colors have to offer.

Obviously blue will still rein supreme on stack interaction, but it is fun knowing that there are some options out there for the other colors in Magic.  Burnout & Bind are particularly good because they can cycle themselves essentnially.  Burnout can be cast on any Instant on the stack, it just won't counter it unless it's blue.  You will still get your card at the beginning of the next upkeep though.  Bind will always have a target somewhere in a game of Magic.  Null Elemental Blast is quickly growing on me.  I have not had issues paying for it's cost since I use Talismans & Painlands in addition to several utility lands that will tap for colorless.  


I hope this gives you some fun ideas to fit into your decks!  If you go outside of the old frame restriction, there are several more options to consider as well. 

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