Innistrad Remastered: Reprints I Want In Retro Frames

Published on 30 October 2024 at 14:00

Thanks to the Remastered line of Magic sets, we have been getting some great reprints in retro frames for the first time.  Let's take a look at some of the cards that would help those of us that brew those old border exclusive decks.

For this list, I based numbers roughly off what I've seen from other remastered sets.  I also did not include any card that already existed in a retro frame, double faced cards, or planeswalkers. 

I don't think I realized how many bangers exist that have been printed from Innistrad sets until making this list.  



Avacyn is always in need of a reprint and I think this is where she will get one.  I imagine I picked the wrong Thalia for a reprint here because WOTC loves to print the OG Thalia.  I anticipate some aristocrat synergies from this set so I have selected creatures that are great at dying.  Fateful Absence is a great removal card and I think it will see a reprint in this set.  Odric is notorious in the commander format and in Innistrad (even though they done him wrong in the most recent block).  I would love to see a Hallowed Haunting reprint here as well but I did not pick a lot of enchantment synergy cards.  Mentor of the Meek is not nearly as popular as it once was as WOTC has printed much better draw options for white such as Welcoming Vampire which would be huge upgrade over Mentor of the Meek but it seems more like the card they would want to reprint to balance out the power of the other cards I've selected.


I had the hardest time picking blue and red cards for this list.  I think Snapcaster Mage can always use a reprint and it would help to sell packs.  Imprisoned in the Moon is one of my favorite cards so I selfishly want a reprint of it.  I did go with a heavy zombie theme as one of the archetypes and I think Necroduality would be an awesome include.  Invisible Stalker was another selfish option as I would really like it for a Lazav deck.  With that said though, there are several strong auras that can be printed in this remastered set that Invisible Stalker would wear well for a "boggles" archetype.  


The first card I thought of was Gravecrawler... out of all of the cards in Innistrad.  It is a combo machine but can also be brought down a few pegs by putting it in a typal strategy.  For me, I want to pair it up with the recently printed Warren Soultrader.  I opted for more zombie synergies because of this card and this card alone.  I think Blood Artist can be considered a "can't miss pick".  For the rest, I chose creatures that provide sac fodder or are good at dying or like seeing other creatures die.  I've never played The Meathook Massacre but I would absolutely get one if it was printed in the retro frame. 


Balefire Dragon is a card that is popular for WOTC to print in reprint sets so I think it will find it's way into this set as well.  I do not play a ton of red so I struggled a lot with it on this list.  I do remember very fondly playing the Madness mechanic.  I tried to stick with cards that would enable this mechanic or that help you get a little more card draw in red.  Stensia Masquerade is a card that would look stunning in the retro frame as would Wolf of Devil's Breach.  It's kind of crazy that out of all of these cards, I think the most played one is the Thermo-Alchemist.  This type of effect is extremely popular so i think it would be a crowd pleaser to reprint it here in the retro frames. 


I think Tireless Tracker is another "can't miss pick" for a reprint in the retro frames.  It has so many applications and can go in literally any deck playing green.  Craterhoof would bring a powerful wincon to the retro frames where they are often a little more difficult to come across.   Splendid Reclamation would leave Titania players elated and I happen to be one of them.  I also have a sinking suspicion that the next Remastered set for 2026 will be Zendikar so I wanted to include some land based synergies.  


There are not a ton of appealing colorless cards to be honest from the Innistrad plane sets.  I think Emrakul is a no brainer as this version of Emrakul is rarely reprinted in comparison to others.  Moonsilver Key would be great in helping you to fetch up your Ashnod's & Phyrexian Altars.  I think Grafdigger's Cage and Ghoulcaller's Bell do a great job in the rest of the limited format that will exist from Innistrad Remastered.


There are so many great lands that have come out in the Innistrad sets. These are some of the most relevant ones that would go with the archetypes that I've picked to get reprinted but honestly they could print 20+ lands that are all relevant.  I can't wait to see what tools we will get.  As far as a land cycle, the slow lands have become beloved by commander players and WOTC has done a great job of reprinting the lands that are most used by commander players in multiple card styles.  The alternative would be the reveal lands but they are played significantly less than the slow lands.   


I threw in some fun, build around legends and some cool utility cards.  The Innistrad sets are a lot of fun and there is a lot of overlap between strategies.  The card out of these I am the most certain gets a reprint is Anguished Unmaking and I cannot wait for it!  Sigarda is an extremely broken Voltron style commander and as of now, we don't really have any of those.  For that reason, I really hope Sigarda gets a reprint here.  I think I prefer Gisa & Geralf over Grimgrin but something about Grimgrin just seems fun.  Gitrog is a great lead into what I assume will be Zendikar Remastered in 2026 while also providing a fun combo based commander or just a value engine depending on how you build it.  Angelfire Ignition would make for a great card in a Feather deck.

Innistrad holds a lot of nostalgia for me as I started playing Magic: The Gathering for the second time when Eldritch Moon was coming out.  It was the first pre-release I attended and I did quite well at it!

I really think this set will boost the aristocrat archetype and hopefully bring some fun new commanders to retro EDH. 

These are the two cards that I could see getting a reprint that I don't really care about.  Griselbrand would just be upsetting but I know Legacy players would be thrilled.  Delver is certainly going to be reprinted if they decide to do double faced cards.

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